“Keep your pure energy as it is, because it is sacred. Don’t allow it to be mutated. Don’t become intoxicated with society’s beliefs. Remain aware. Be who you are.”
August 05, 2010
I am Ezekiel Memchat. It is time to allow yourself to be in harmony with everything. It is time to let loose. It is time to be. It is time to really live and be alive, overflowing with your own real substance, your energy that makes you and is you from out of the deepest place within you. It is time to let yourself exist in oneness with everyone around you, to let yourself exist as it is, and not change it and not allow it to be changed by anyone.
It is time to gravitate toward the people who embrace you as yourself, and to let go of everyone who tries to cover you up or transfer society’s system on to you. It is time to gravitate away from the people who try to tell you how to be, who try to change you, to take you out of your natural state and transfer all of society’s limiting beliefs onto you.
Gravitate toward the people who let you exist as you are, because it is this pure energy existing in the oneness of all things that is you, and let it be. Let it be. Just let it be. All you have to do is simply be, living outside of these rules, living outside of these limiting beliefs, these structures that put you into boxes and bind you into a single way of thinking.
But you are a unique thought that cannot be bound up or tied to one way of living. That isn’t you. It isn’t your frequency. It isn’t your feeling. It isn’t your thought. It isn’t the Reality of you. And no one knows you better than you know yourself.

It is time to rise out of these limiting beliefs now. To get up, to arise out of these limiting beliefs and limiting ways of thinking and feeling and being. You are not part of the system. Don’t allow anyone to pull you into a system that no longer works for you. I know it used to work for you in some ways. You might feel like it still assists you, but it really doesn’t serve you or anyone around you.
But you have awakened to the way it is meant to be, and if someone around you has not, then it is time to let go of them. Let go of the people who put you into boxes, and allow yourself to live and to be and to function as you naturally do, to be in your natural state of existence and awareness and to function as a unique individual, as someone unleashed and not bound by the system of society and its Reptilian thinking.
But it is time to operate now as a Starseed, and to gravitate to those who see you as you are and know that you cannot be contained and don’t try to change you or limit you, but who gravitate toward you because you exist as you, because you are unlimited, because you are real.
It is time to let all masks go, to step away from who you have been programmed to be and to step into who you naturally are. It is time to exist in the fullness of who you naturally are and, in that fullness, you will experience real living and you will naturally be.
2012 is coming, and many shifts will happen. Many shifts are already taking place now. Don’t go against them. It is up to you to step into the Divine Flow and welcome the shifts that are coming toward you, to gravitate to those who allow you to be you and not shift you back to an old way of being, but embrace the newness and uniqueness of who you really have been all along, because that is you, that is your God Self. It is the Reality of you in your purest existence.
Don’t let it be changed. Keep your pure energy as it is, because it is sacred. Don’t allow it to be mutated. Don’t become intoxicated with society’s beliefs. Remain aware. Be who you are. Be. Be. Allow yourself to be, and gravitate toward the people who will let you be. Who will let you be true to yourself, remembering your Reality’s form, and functioning as a real person.
You are here to shine out, to light up the darkness, not to be in alignment with it or with its limiting ways of thinking and being, of feeling and existing, its patterns, its habits. Don’t conform to it any longer. You are not here to be the same. It is time to let go of sameness, to embrace the newness that is coming to you. You are not the same as you were.
Everyone is feeling these energetic shifts that are happening all around us now. You need to embrace and allow them. If you are a Starseed, then be. Take off your mask and allow yourself to really live. Gravitate toward the people who allow you to be and don’t try to conform or change you, but who love you because you are real, and they love the realness of you, they love who you really are, because no one is like you and you are sacred and unique, and you are powerful beyond measure.
Align yourself with the energetic shifts that are happening around you. Pull towards the people who are like you, and step out of the systems that used to work for you when they don’t any longer. You are here to change those systems, not to be part of them. Not to be part of them. Not to be part of them. Namaste
Copyright © 2010 The Luminary Ana