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We Are People — A Message From Plashdar Of The Council For The Assistance To Earth

“I am a student on several star systems, and I have joined hundreds of councils simply to learn and study. I have a time machine, which makes me capable of going to hundreds of classes in the same week. I get a lot done in a very short amount of time. I have pupils and many people looking up to me, and as the Andromedan spokesperson for my planet, I speak on behalf of one country of the constellation.”

August 13, 2010

I am Plashdar, but who is Plashdar? I am the Spokesperson for The Council For The Assistance To Earth, but I am also the spokesperson to this council on behalf of Andromeda, and there are other Andromedan spokespersons on The Council For The Assistance To Earth, depending on their planet of origin.

There are many planets in the Andromedan constellation, which are members of the Galactic Federation. I am the head of the Andromedan Council For The Ascension Of Earth, and it is this council I head which is the only council on my planet specific to helping Earth, although there are other councils that aid Earth along with other worlds, and some who specifically aid the primitive worlds so that they may evolve and be protected.

But each planet in Andromeda is a block away, less than that because we can appear there instantly. We think of it as walking into an adjoined building, walking through a door or turning on a light. It is as simple as stepping inside of a capsule and pushing a button. The capsule doesn’t come with you, but you are teleported on beams of laser electricity, and you are instantly on another planet. Where you end up on the planet has to do with what you are intently focused upon, so naturally children do not use these machines.

We are all part of the same family. Our customs are all very similar because of how closely we operate with one another. And you can use this type of machine to go anywhere within the constellation of Andromeda. The laws are different between us and other constellations, but we could use this same machine to travel equally as fast to another location. The only place we could not use it would be to travel into another multi-verse, as we have not gained that technology yet, and we do not know how to travel into another multi-verse, although we have all discovered universal travel, and the universes interact in this way very easily.

Not all other constellations have this technology. Some constellations travel at a very slow speed, but fast enough to get to another neighboring constellation within a few days, and to get to a more distant constellation within a few weeks or months, depending on the distance. We consider that quite slow.

Our children go into machines together to play. They have scenarios like role-playing games, but they are not violent. They are learning games and this is their school. If we want to teach them the history of Earth, we can send them into a Roman forum and they can hear Roman philosophy and politics for themselves in exactly the way it would have been discussed, but they would hear it in the Andromedan language. Each planet has the same language in the constellation, and we consider each planet’s version to be a dialect of the one language, and they would have a slightly different accent, but that would be the only difference.

I am also on a higher council on Andromeda. Each planet in the constellation is like a country on one planet, and each planet picks a representative to be on the Andromedan Council, which is like the Andromedan Supreme Court. It answers to the Galactic Federation, which is above it, and the Galactic Federation is run by the highest Council, which would be also made up of people who have been elected, but we have a very different election process. One person on the court of Andromeda would be selected as the Andromedan representative for the Galactic Federation.

All decisions are passed through the high members selected, but there are many opinions given. There are many members of the Galactic Federation, but only these select members have the very final say. They are chosen based on their merit, based on their moral integrity and values, based on their honesty and concern for everyone involved. They must prove themselves trustworthy, and only one can be selected. All others are weeded out. The most qualified person is the one we consider to be of the highest vibration with moral strength, intelligence, kindness, honesty and, above all, a concern for others, willing to do what they feel is the very best for all others concerned, even if the people themselves want it to be a certain way.

The people with the final say must go with what they know is best, no matter if they will be liked or disliked. Here on planet Earth people go about all the time deciding things based upon whether or not people will like them.

We are people. We are people. We are very evolved people, but we are people living on the Andromedan constellation. We have learned to put our egos aside and to look upon a situation without fear and without comparison, to look upon it as it is truly, and not just by our own interpretation or how we want to see it, or how we wish it to be for us. We look upon it as it actually is, then we can decide how to change it.

On Andromeda, I am a mother. I have a daughter. I have two sons. They are nearly grown up now. They have not left the planet, yet. When they leave the planet, they will go to another Andromedan country to learn whatever they have chosen, and they can decide to learn something different at any given time. We are very, very flexible in our education system, and the only way to nurture a child fully is to allow them to use their full potential, every one of their abilities and talents and not hold them back, so that they are a well-rounded individual capable of using their full brain capacity.

As soon as a child is born on Andromeda, they are hooked up to a machine that will raise their vibration so that they learn to be on a high vibration at all times, no matter what is going on around them, and I was hooked up to this machine, and my children were hooked up to this machine, and I have studied in numerous constellations at this point, and I study and I lead studies, and I can choose to stay in school in any given topic for as long as I would like. There is no jealousy between us because we are all well-rounded individuals and no one is wishing they could do something intellectual in the back of their minds because they are in the box of ‘artist’ and vice-versa. We can have several occupations at one time, or we can switch back and forth between them at different times in our lives.

We do not have a money system, we have a credit system. You get so much credit for being in school classes. You get more credit the more advanced classes you take, but the teachers who are instructing you get part of your credit. They have more credit than the students because of the amount of students giving them credit. The principle would get the most credit of all, but a principle is not one person, but a group of individuals who have been selected to be in charge of the school, like a board so to speak, only all of them would have equal status as they would be very well-rounded individuals. One would have the final say, or they would all have the final say in certain areas.

We like to split up final say, but not always. We do not let our egos get involved with making a decision. There is no jealousy between us, and so we select the person who we deem most morally qualified, such as Faleekastrina. She is the most morally qualified. She is on the highest vibration of us in the given areas that The Council For The Assistance To Earth resides over. So she is on the highest vibration when it comes to the subjects she knows best. If she did not know a subject, and she were listening to someone speak about it, or she herself was speaking to someone else about it, her vibration would automatically lower. Her energy would not be as high because she is not as knowing in that field or area, therefore she would not be qualified to lead a council in that given subject. But when it comes to assisting Earth in all various areas, she is the very most qualified.

We are people, and we have learned how to operate harmoniously with one another so that we can survive without death and violence and war. But we are people, and you can accomplish what we have accomplished. You can accomplish what we have mastered. You can master it too. With your mind anything can happen. The world can change. It can be different.

Set aside your differences and embrace comparisons. When you embrace them, you are not judging them as wrong or right. They are just different or the same, and differences are good. It is not good for everyone to be in a box of sameness. It is better to be different if you are being your true self, and to rise above normality when normality means living like everyone else is living, saying what everyone else is saying, and doing the actions that everyone else is always doing.

A normal environment on Earth is simply a controlled environment. But a government is not there to be in control. It is there to promote freedom, because when the population is free, everyone is the most prosperous. These individuals who are controlling your government think that they have more power because of their control over it and over you, but a government that allows the population to be in control of their own destiny, that allows individual freedoms, that allows individuals to have control over their own lives, is a government filled with abundance and power and authority and people who obey, not out of fear, but out of abundance, freedom and love for their government, their country and their constellation.

It is by operating in this way yourselves, and operating for the benefit of all parts of the whole that you change your government. If you continue to repeat its vibration, you simply create more of the government you do not wish to experience, and you invite it to have more control over you, because you are mimicking it. If you want a different government, you must lead your own life differently. You must release your controlling natures and stop acting out of, “I am right and you are wrong,” but out of “We are all unique individuals coming in here with talents, with abilities, with fortes, with gifts.”

You must think of the whole when you think of self-preservation, because if anyone isn’t eating, if anyone is poor, then you are not rich completely. There is some area of your life that lacks in abundance in all things, because everyone mirrors you. They make up a part of yourself, and if you do not begin to truly look at other people as part of your own self, you will never see them as a whole and you will never operate in harmony together.

We are people, and if we were completely perfect, there would be no way we could ever interact with you. We must be learning, too. All of the deities and archangels and ascended masters you speak with and call upon to help you and to learn from, are learning like you are. They have simply mastered levels you have not yet ascended to, but they are still learning to get beyond their judgment or they would be completely out of bounds with you, and there would be no way for them to see or communicate with you, because there would be nothing in them that matches certain areas of you.

I am still learning. I learn by releasing what is out of alignment with the purest thought, with the purest emotion, with the purest way of being. As I release it new thoughts come forward. New emotions come forward, and I come forward. My own real Reality comes into my consciousness more, and I am more awake, and more abundant and freer and livelier and I operate more harmoniously with the people existing around me.

We are not completely perfect and we have our moments, but the moments pass more quickly than your moments pass, because we do not hold to our negative thoughts or emotions. We have learned to quickly exhale them and breathe up and in a new thought from the Universe and from our own true existence. As we continue to do this more and more, we ascend beyond judgment and we ascend beyond hate or anger or competition or jealousy, and we continue to master it so that we become more loving individuals all the time, and we have methods such as you do, like meditation, only most of our methods are coupled with scientific technologies, which help us master our senses.

We have our moments, but they do not control us. We may argue on occasion, but it is truly on occasion. It is rare. And when it does happen, we do not physically strike one another, and we do not insult one another verbally. There are times when we feel passionately about our view point, and may become disappointed when another viewpoint is decided to be the new law, but we see it as the best for the group, and we let go of it, and we are friends living in harmony. We help one another to evolve and grow, and we look beyond each others flaws.

We immediately look to our own selves when we see a flaw in another, because we know that their flaw must be our own on a level of ourselves, and we secretly thank them for showing our own flaw to us. That way we may become a better and improved individual with more brain capacity and more harmony capacity.

I am a student on several star systems, and I have joined hundreds of councils simply to learn and study. I have a time machine, which makes me capable of going to hundreds of classes in the same week. I get a lot done in a very short amount of time. I have pupils and many people looking up to me, and as the Andromedan spokesperson for my planet, I speak on behalf of one country of the constellation.

I am a warrioress with a fleet of star ships, and it is true we are in the middle of a war against the Reptilian race. We do this because the Reptilians have refused to master their hate and wish to destroy every other planet but their own. They did not originally have a planet in this universe, but now they have planets which they have obtained by force. But we look at ourselves, and while protecting those who cannot defend themselves against their vast technologies, we function as a whole, and we work to make peace the only way of existence for everyone.

All people must master their hate. It does not mean you shove it down. It means you express and release it. But you do this with the intent of allowing it to release, and therefore, you do it in a healthy way. You see it going up into a vortex of white light. If you have to yell or scream to get emotions to release, you do it while you are alone, and you do not direct it at an individual person.

Even if someone is treating you very badly and you’re higher guidance is saying to you that it is not healthy for you to stay in their proximity, you leave as cordially as you possibly can, and you work to increase your vibration, releasing hate and destructive tendencies, destructive thoughts that attracted that form of person to begin with, so that when you go to a new location or meet new individuals, they are people who resonate on a higher frequency, and have your best interest at heart, as you have theirs at heart.

We must all work on a constant basis to release our thoughts of self-preservation and realize to preserve the self, we must preserve the whole. Namaste

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