“Even the Reptilians know how to stay in one bad mood constantly, and we have learned to stay in one good mood constantly. But you have not decided yet. You are in the middle place. You are not sure whether to feel bad or good.”
April 24, 2010
I am Faleekastrina, and you not only know me by my name, but by the vibration I emit. I emit the vibration of your own soul. I emit the vibration of the self you wish to join with. I emit my Reality, and I constantly emit love and truth. We, The Council, are now ascending further into our awareness. We are further ascending because we are once again in a time where we must choose between the right and the not-right vibration.
There is no wrong vibration, but there is the vibration that feels right, and the vibration that is not in alignment with it. There is no wrong, because anything wrong would only be an illusion. Anything wrong cannot exist in Reality. We are once again ascending. We are ascending through helping you. You are revealing to us our choice, and we are once again noticing how we can better our own selves. It is all about advancing.
Anyone who wants to ascend must make their life about becoming a better, more loving, higher dimensional human being. Anyone who wants the ascension of Earth must release their ego and allow their form to descend into the true form and merge into oneness with it. And I have said this all before, but I will say it again, for it must be made clear to you: In order to transcend the illusion, you must fall into alignment with your higher self, with your real Reality, and you must uphold its vibration.
I watch people on Earth and constantly, no matter who they are, their moods are always shifting from bad to good, and vice versa. You are very moody. Even the Reptilians know how to stay in one bad mood constantly, and we have learned to stay in one good mood constantly. But you have not decided yet. You are in the middle place. You are not sure whether to feel bad or good. You do not know if you want to feel happy or if you want to feel bad, and you let things irritate you. Things that are simple, things that do not matter become bothersome to you, and you begin to attract even worse problems that do matter, because you were so irritated and bothered by a very simple, small thing.
You are not children any longer. Even a child can make the choice to feel better or to feel worse, but most children learn to have mood swings to get their own way. And you have grown into adults now, and you are still reverting to when you were children in order to have your own way, and that is your ego operating. It wants to be in control. When you were a child, and you did not like something, and you wanted things to go differently, you wanted something to work out that wasn’t, perhaps you were hungry and wanted a meal, if you would cry and scream, it would work out for you. And so, now that you are an adult, you revert to this tendency, thinking that if I scream and yell and get mad, everything will go my own way. Someone will listen to me. They will come to my rescue. Crying will benefit me as it always has.
When I was a child and I wanted a toy or a piece of candy, I annoyed my parents until they gave it to me. I screamed and had a tantrum until it was given to me, until the thing I wanted was handed to me with total ease. All I had to do was get upset, and when they gave it to me, all I had to do was manage a big smile and stay happy and be comforted by the thing I had gotten until it was gone, and I wanted something else to distract me.
And now that I am an adult, I revert to this tendency. My boss makes me angry, and that is because I automatically revert to anger or frustration or get upset and get dramatic when something does not go my way, because I think subconsciously as I did when I was a child consciously, that if I get upset, things will work out for me, because it’s what I have been taught. But now I wish to evolve, and move out of childish habits, and raise my vibration, and raise my emotional capacities to the vibration of constant joy, to the vibration of constancy, because I am constant.
I am a constant human. I am on the constant vibration of my true vibration. I am vibrating at the rate of my true vibration. My true form has been so constantly allowed to love and to be itself, I have so allowed it, that it has transcended illusion, and it is now the form I constantly show. You can look at me now and see that I am one with my Reality, and I am not easily frustrated or swayed, and I have obtained consistency. I own it. It belongs to me.
Consistency, you are now in the vibration that I am constantly emitting. Consistency, you are now the vibration that I am caught up in. I only emit love and joy and peace. I do not get caught up in someone else’s hate or anger, or in my own ego’s hate or anger. I get caught up in love. You are my one and only vibration. I am a new and constant person. I am a constant human being. I let go of all mood swings, now. I let go of every temper tantrum, now. I let go of every childish way, now. I let go of my false beliefs from my childhood, now. I let go of them all now, and I put myself in the vibration of consistency, and I choose to stay in the vibration of love consistently and not to waver; to stay in the vibration of my God source without giving in to my false one, and I have changed my existence.
Copyright © 2010 The Luminary Ana