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The Illuminati — A Message From Faleekastrina, Head of The Council For The Assistance To Earth

“When people begin to operate out of love, and they no longer emit a frequency of hate, they shift the vibration of the planet, they shift themselves, and they, at that moment, are now in alignment, not with the old Gaia, but with the new ascended Gaia in her aligned form. “

April 24, 2010

I am Faleekastrina, and I wish to speak to you about your government in America. And I want to take a few blindfolds off.

Some of you think that your government has a good leader now, and I know that those people who think that will not like what I have to say, but they need to hear it.  People are put in charge by the Illuminati, and that has not changed, and it will not change until the masses have raised their vibrational levels, which can only be done individually right now.  And individuals affect the process of Gaia’s ascension.

The masses are controlled, and they do not listen to their own voice within. But individuals act out of peace, and individuals care for their Earth, and individuals can look and discern with their inner vision.  It is time to be an individual who thinks about what he or she is fed; an individual who will starve before putting poison into its mouth; an individual who will not accept lies and deceit as reality; an individual who will research and look between the lines and ask for more than one opinion; an individual who will act based on what feels right to them and will not go along with society when what society is doing does not fall into alignment with their own nudges from within themselves.

You must meditate more. You must center yourselves and become aware of how you feel in reality and no longer be fooled by the media which tries to control you with your emotions, which tries to make you panicked and fearful and regretful, and makes you think its too late to stop something before it happens, because they make you feel it already has happened. But it is never too late, my children. There is always time to act, and the time is now to act.

You must begin to physically remove your shackles. You must begin to see what the shackles are, who makes the shackles that are around you, and why you are comfortable in them. How it is that you are made to feel at home in shackles, and that you defend them. Your government is still under the control of the Illuminati, and there are a very small few, thanks to Democracy, that end up in positions of authority who are not picked by the Illuminati, but they are not aware enough of the real problems to make real solutions for those problems. But do not despair because of this message, for, as I said, it is never too late to do something that changes everything.

One act can begin the process of change.  One very small act — and you will know what to do when you go within, and you begin to feel your spirit body connecting with every other body: your mental, your emotional and your physical bodies.  These must all join together. Your physical, mental and emotional bodies must fall in line with your spirit body.  They must not be in control. You must not allow your physical needs to overwhelm or control you.  You must allow your spirit to overwhelm your physical senses.  You must be at peace now.  Release your anger.  Release your fear.  That is the worst emotion right now on your planet: fear, for that is what they use to disarm and control you, to dis-empower you, to take away your freedoms, and to cause you to move backwards rather than forward into light.

But, my children, many are waking up, and that is shifting the vibrational frequency of the planet Earth, and we are winning the fight for freedom on this planet.  We are feeling love instead of fear.  You are beginning to stop being afraid.  You are beginning to release your fear.  You are beginning to admit it and see it, and to want a change.

When people begin to operate out of love, and they no longer emit a frequency of hate, they shift the vibration of the planet, they shift themselves, and they, at that moment, are now in alignment, not with the old Gaia, but with the new ascended Gaia in her aligned form.  I mean in the form of Gaia that is one where her physical body merges with her spirit body, and this physical planet, while still physical, is a light being planet, and not a deathly planet, not a dying planet.  Only a form that is not in alignment with its reality can die.  And that is why this planet is dying. It is not in alignment with its reality because the inhabitants of Earth are not in alignment with theirs, and all it is, is a shifting of vibration which occurs when you shift your emotions, when you stop feeling afraid, when you know who you are, and you begin to acknowledge your real power.

When you realize that you have all authority over your own life and you do not allow your power to be taken from you, you are then in alignment with the frequency of power, of true power.  Hate cannot produce power, and war is the illusion of power, and control is the illusion of power.  But true power is acknowledging who you are and that nothing can harm you, and when you know that nothing can harm you, you step out of fear and you come into alignment with Universal Source, and the Source fills you, and your life emits the frequency of Source, and the people around you begin to feel different when they are near you.  They know that you are different.  They want to be more like you because you have shifted out of fear and into Universal Source, and what they want, what they are really attracted to, is their self, their self. Everyone is wanting to be their self. And to know yourself is to be yourself.

Step into alignment with your power. Step into alignment with your own vibration and let go of the complaints that you have wanted to hold on to.  Let go of the grudges that you have had righteous indignation about, that you have felt justified in having and keeping and hoarding in your vibration, and say something nice about that person you have turned thoughts of hate toward, and begin to feel love for that person, and want their ascension.  Want the ascension of the Illuminati.  Want their ascension.  Want their vibrations to lift up out of control.  Realize how very terrified they must be if they feel so out of control that they must be in control of everything.  Realize how afraid they must be.  Realize that they are not really in control.  It is their illusion.  Do not allow it to be your illusion.  And want the ascension of everyone, as you want your own ascension.

If you want something negative to happen to anyone, if you feel negatively about anyone, you are feeling that about yourself, you are wanting it for yourself, because they hold the Source vibration, as you hold the Source vibration, my child.  You are becoming that Source.  Feel the Source within you.  Know what it is feeling now.  And when you are feeling something negative toward anyone or about your own self, say “How is my reality feeling now?”  And allow that vibration to fill you, and emit it from within you to without you, to emit all around you.

That is Heaven, my child.  You are Heaven, and you are living in Heaven.  You have just stepped into the dimension of the New Earth when you feel your reality.  When you continue to be in that vibration, you are in the shifted Earth.  You have entered into the shifted Gaia, and have assisted her in making the final transition, making the final shift.


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