“And this is an age where we will begin to see the surfacing super-human being, but it is surfacing, understand. It is ascending through all illusion you have held in your awareness. As you break free from these illusions, it has more space, your own light, I mean, has more space. It ascends, and it fills the space of those false beliefs with its light.”
June 02, 2010
I am Faleekastrina, and I wish to encourage you all today. I want you to know that everything you need is already with you. That everything you need is already with you. It is with you now. All of the aid you need is around you. All of the support, whatever it is you need. We are aiding you and it is yours. It is yours, my children, it is yours.
And as we continue to reveal the truth to you, I want you to understand how much stronger you are than any negative thing, and to know that your allies, your extraterrestrial allies, and all others on the spirit plane who are aiding you, are overcoming all of the darkness around you.
So do not fear the darkness. There is no reason to be afraid. Everything that we have told you is to help you rid yourself of what ails you, and to help you overcome it. You will overcome it all, and it will never defeat you. And when you go backwards, when you feel like you have taken a step back, that you are blocked, so that you cannot move forward, go into the block. Find the source of it. It wants to stay, so do not deny its existence. It will hide itself and it will remain with you.
You must look at your own darkness to be free from it. You must walk through your own darkness for it to be revealed to you. And when you walk through the illusional beliefs you are holding in your awareness you realize they were never yours. They were only given to you. They were gifts, and you can look at it that way because every struggle truly aids you. It causes you to become a more improved human being. It causes you to become a better person and to rise above the human being to become the super-human being.

And this is an age where we will begin to see the surfacing super-human being, but it is surfacing, understand. It is ascending through all illusion you have held in your awareness. As you break free from these illusions, it has more space, your own light, I mean, has more space. It ascends, and it fills the space of those false beliefs with its light. And you obtain the new belief of your Reality in your conscious awareness. It rises up in you, and as you defeat these false beliefs of doubt — all these voices telling you what you cannot do in a human form — you will rise above them, and your Reality will be louder than they are. It will be louder than they are because there will be less and less of them. As you uncover them, you free yourself from their poison.
Most people think that focusing on what they want is enough, but why are people aging? Why are people dying? Why are people sleeping and eating and drinking, falling prey to the illusions? Why are they doing it?
Focus on what you want, and at the same time, release yourself from what you do not want. Look at your false beliefs so they are no longer hidden from you. Go into them and then you can tell it, you can tell that belief you have found, “You’re not me, so SHUT UP! I have identified you. I have identified you, and you are not me, Dragon, you are not me. You are a Reptilian voice, and I am discarding you right now, and you can no longer affect me. You can no longer affect my mind in this area of belief.”
Cleanse out the old beliefs, and your Reality will fill those spaces with its real beliefs. And the real beliefs are that anything is possible, and I mean anything. Anything is possible. Anything. Yes, you can have the house you want. Yes, you can have the car you want. Yes, you can have all the money that you want, but you can also stop aging if you want. You can also stop dying. You can also stop needing anything to sustain your form here. These are just Reptilian beliefs that have been put in your DNA, and as you release yourself from these old ways, the new DNA, the real DNA begins to form. And it was already there the entire time, but your mind distorted it by believing in the Reptilian voices.
And what these voices are saying you cannot do, I assure you, you can do them all, whatever they are. No matter what they are, you can do them. You can levitate objects. You can fly. You can go without sleep, you can go without food, you can go without water, you can go without air. These are just illusions, and they have been given to you for generations upon generations, and they have seeped into your minds, and they want to block you from any new concept that would override them, but you will defeat them all if you want to. You have the capability. Not only Starseeds, but anyone has this capability.
Starseeds have come here to show the way, that is all. They must look at their own darkness and be freed from it in order to help other people to be free from their own darkness. And you are not here to save anyone, Starseeds, but you will save them. Not by trying, but by existing in your Reality, by coming to your own self. It is yourself that will change everything. This is all about being yourself. That is what ascension is — when you come to your Reality, when you are yourself, your full self in all areas of thought, and all of those thoughts override the old thoughts and manifest, and you are capable of anything. Anything is possible.
You are living in an age where these things are going to start being seen by people, really, more and more, until it becomes normal as it is on my planet in my galaxy. That is my vision of the new Earth. This vision will come to pass. Remove every doubt from your mind. You will see the most incredible things happen, and it will all be because of your mind.
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