“This Council cannot emphasize this enough. Really, really WANT your own ascension. WANT to be YOU. Because that is what ascension means, it means being YOU. Be willing to go through what isn’t you and release it. Look at it and identify it, and release what is not your Reality.”
June 14, 2010
I am Plashdar. Something is changing. Something is happening on your Earth plane. It is shifting. You are becoming more aware and awakened. Your planet is releasing what hinders her from ascending. She is angry, and she is frightened of what is happening to her, and it is clouding her Real vision, but she understands this very well, and she is working to release what hinders her.
We are following her example. We are releasing our fear and our anger toward the Reptilians for what they have done. We do not suppress these feelings, but we admit they are there and we allow them to surface. We do not hold them down, because by doing so we hold down our own vibrations. We allow them to release and then we are lighter in our vibrations than we were. And we continue to float upward the more that we release.
These Reptilian beliefs are holding you down. They are keeping you in a fog. They are keeping you in patterns that have gone on for generations, but every pattern will be uncovered and released. Ezekiel Memchat would say, all Reptilian deception will be uncovered and released. This anger is not your anger. The Reptilians are sensing this shift, and you are shifting, and you are causing them to get very angry. Your light force is growing. It is shining out through this thick fog. Your light is growing and becoming clearer. More and more you see the way, the real path. More and more you are becoming yourself. The fog is lifting, you are coming to your senses.
You are awakening now. You have slept for such a long time. You are awakening now. You have slept for such a long time, but you are awakening right now. You are awakening right now. You are awakening now.

Each dimension of you is coming to full awareness right now. Each dimension of you is merging with your light body right now. The thoughts that are not in alignment with it are crashing. They are falling away from you, and they have no where to go. You are conquering over them. You are becoming stronger and more enlightened than you were. Your body’s physical vibration is rising. Your physical body is merging with its light body. Your emotional body is releasing its toxins and allowing its light body to merge with it. Your deformed state is ending. Your deformed state is ending. Your handicapped state is over. It has ended.
You are removing thoughts from your awareness that keep you from attracting miracles in your life. This is happening for you now.
Allow toxins to release. Feel them releasing out of you. See the light in you rising. See it filling every place that is now empty. Feel the thoughts of this new vibration. Hear the feelings of this new vibration, and believe what they are saying to you. Believe this new replacement thought. Believe this new replacement feeling.
Get rid of every thought of decay and allow the new thoughts of resurrection and your body will stop aging. Its DNA will return to its normal state, and you will be a new light being in your physical form, as I have a physical form, but it does not age.
A seventh-dimensional Andromedan is a very rare thing, but I have actively pursued my own ascension, and it has become my life. It is the very most important thing to me: to ascend, to become fully aware of who I AM.
This awareness passes to you now. Let it flow through you. This energy of awareness is contagious. When one person becomes aware, another and another and another become aware until all people on your planet are aware, and those who are not fall away. The new immortal person surfaces. Those who do not ascend continue to decay, and a new light order on your planet arises. A light system of operation arises out of the decay. Let this wash away from your experience right now. Let this new awareness absolutely fill you.
New awareness is dawning on you. New awareness is dawning on you. New awareness is dawning on you. Your own awareness is dawning on you. Your reality and its awareness is dawning on you. You are remembering who you are, and you are knowing who you are not. Let yourself remember now. Connect to the new thought. It brings about the shift. It brings about the new Earth.
I am coming to you on behalf of The Council For The Assistance To Earth, and we say to you, actively pursue your ascension process! Actively pursue your own individual ascension, and others will automatically be drawn to you that will follow you in that process. You affect people by being your own real self.
This Council cannot emphasize this enough. Really, really WANT your own ascension. WANT to be YOU. Because that is what ascension means, it means being YOU. Be willing to go through what isn’t you and release it. Look at it and identify it, and release what is not your Reality.
When the new thought comes that IS your Reality, take advantage of it, so that the old thought cannot re-enter your mind. Begin to affirm the new thought over and over until it seeps into your subconscious awareness and you fully believe it. Then you will attract that new vibration to yourself.
The Council extends its hands to you, and wishes to uplift you. When you call on us, we DO aid you.
The Council assists you.
Copyright © 2010 The Luminary Ana