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Starseeds, The Matrix Is Real — A Message From Plashdar, Spokesperson for The Council For The Assistance To Earth

“I am speaking to you if you are reading this, not someone else. Do not think that you are not affected by the controllers.”

I am Plashdar, and the Council wishes to tell you that you have done exceedingly well, my Starseeds. When you were sent here you did not understand the shock you were in for. You were so used to only hearing one voice, and you came here into the midst of crowds all shouting together, wanting you to do so many things that your spirit has not wanted. And now you are so used to hearing them that they begin to override the one voice, and you have forced yourselves to listen to the whispering voice.

But as it were, I must “show you how deep the rabbit hole goes,” and speak to you about a subject the Council has had many meetings about, and our first conclusion was not to tell anyone about this because fear is not our intent, and we will not say something that will cause fear in you.

But our final, permanent conclusion is that you must know this truth.

You came here with a team of guides that were assigned to you previously before coming here. You all know this already.

But I wish to make you aware, under the Council’s direction, that you were also given a second team of guides, given to you upon your arrival here. And these guides are all here to guide you into darkness, whereas, the first team of guides must guide you into light.

Each guide from the very first team that you were given has a name and a purpose and a mission when it comes to you directly. They have a mission involving you, and their name often says something about their mission. And, sometimes, a name given by a guide is not their real name, but it is given to you to help awaken something in you.

But the second team of guides was assigned to you by the controllers of this world, and each member of your team has a mission directly involving you as well, and because of them many people end up pursuing their false mission in life, and they are completely unaware of their circumstance. Many people think that they are on their path, and they are on a false path given to them by a false set of guides that was assigned to them by the Reptilian forces and their converts.

Every single person is plugged into a mother ship which sends out data, messages to the subconscious mind of every human being. Humans are plugged into this mother ship by the false guides around them, which have the technology to hook you up to this mother ship.

And even though this is disturbing, I have to tell you this. I have to let you know the reality of your situation. Really, the illusion of your situation, and how deep the illusion goes, and who is responsible, and what they exactly are doing, because they want to speak of love and light to hide you from the darkness they want to spread.

And there is certainly a need for love and for light. There is truth, certainly, when we are speaking to you of love and light, but the reality of your situation in this illusion is something you cannot be kept in ignorance about. Although this is an illusion, that is the reality of the illusion. They are hooking you up to a mother ship. It is sending you thoughts. It wishes to deceive humanity.

The Matrix is real. You really are controlled by machines. You are plugged into a mother ship that is sending you data, and you, my Starseeds, have listened to the one voice within, and it has guided you, but you have still fallen prey to certain illusions around you. You must break free from this mother ship. You have to be aware of what is around you, yes around you.

I am speaking to you if you are reading this, not someone else. Do not think that you are not affected by the controllers. That is what they wish you to think, and this speaks to the channeler as well.

You must look at these channeled messages, and every single channeled message, and understand something: there are false guides that wish to speak to open channels, and you have to use your inner wisdom to discern what is best for you, what is a good message, and what is not.

And the reason that we chose Ana to receive these messages is that, for years, she has been breaking through her blocks, and we praise anyone and applaud anyone — and this is many of you —  who have been looking at their own darkness. We wish you to break free from it, and not just talk about light, not just talk about the love you should feel, but for you to really feel it, where you break beyond all hate, all lies, all judgment, all non-reality, all thoughts of need, all thoughts of prejudice.

I know that you are a Starseed and that you are much more evolved than the regular “average Joe”, but you are still falling prey to illusions. I want to make that clear, and I want to say that, more and more, the final conclusions of the Council, we decide permanently that, no matter how disturbing something may be, you have to know the truth of your situation.

Ego gets in when people are channeling. False guides get in. I want you to be aware. There are people put on your path who are there to guide you into light, and there are people who are put on your path who, whether they know it consciously or not, are a convert of the controllers, and they seek to will you into darkness.

Your will must be stronger than theirs. I want to tell you that you have listened to the one whispering voice in the midst of a crowd of shouting false voices, and I praise you, my Starseeds, and I, Plashdar, am telling you this because you are loved. You are so loved that I want to tell you what is around you, even though you might feel badly about it. I love you, and you are my family, and you need to know that your reality that you are seeing right now, this false reality I mean, will crumble when you know the truth of it.

And I want to speak now to every Reptilian force, and I want to say to them, my Starseeds will not be harmed. They are protected. They are protected. And the Earth will rejuvenate because of them. And you will never win over them. You will be defeated by my family members. We are more powerful than you. We know the truth and the truth sets us free from your illusions, and you cannot ever win. And I wish for you to step into a realm of love, and I wish for peace between us, and I wish for a world, for a universe, for a system based on love only where all inhabitants of this universe abide by the system of love. I wish for peace between us. Convert to our side. We will not convert to your hate religion. God is a loving God, not a hateful one, and my messages will get through. The Council’s messages will get through.

And I, Plashdar, wish to say to the Starseeds now, you will defeat your controllers, but you must be aware of them, and now that I have revealed these things to you, you must go within and you must begin to unplug yourself from their deception, and you must begin to sort out who is on your side that is talking to you. It will be by what you feel within, and out of love and not fear, that they give the messages to you, and they will speak truthfully to you, and they will give you information that actually helps you. A false guide will say what you need to do, and they will never show you a way out. They say what to do and leave you clueless as to how.

The Council wishes for me to say one last thing, and this is again to Starseeds. Everyone of you has listened to your real guides more than your false ones. Everyone of you has diligently sought out their own truth, and that diligence is what the masses lack.

My family, you are now aware and this information, which is truth, will help you unplug yourselves from their devices and unplug from the transmissions being sent to you.

You truly are a warrior of light sent here to cause the world to break free from every controller, and to cause this sleeping world to awaken and pull out of the mind manipulation. This information is yours and now you know who is causing you to feel negatively or think negatively. Remember, my Starseeds, those emotions do not come from you. Your own vibration only feels love, only feels tranquility, only feels joy, constantly, and has no darkness inside of it. Only light. Only the truth, and the truth will set you free.


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