“True power comes from the remembrance of who you are. And the remembrance of who you are sets you free from all condemnation. The remembrance of who you are sets you free from any force of negativity that wishes to take away your positive light.”
April 24, 2010
It is time children. It is time. You must rise out of all decay, out of all sickness, out of all disempowerment, and you must center yourselves in love. You must find your Real selves in the midst of all negativity. You must remember your true form has never felt the sting of decay. It has never felt the pains of time. Sickness has not touched it. Sickness will not touch it. You must remember, children, you must remember that you are not your physical form, and that you have the power to change it, to change your physical form.
You have fallen prey to those who wish to enslave you and take your power from you. They wish to hold you in ignorance. They wish to hold you in war and hatred and contempt for one another. They wish to hold you and bind you with intimidation, with mistrust and with fear. And I say to you, that you will defeat this power. I tell you that, though it is in control of your planet at this time, it is weak, for true power does not come from control of others. True power comes from the remembrance of who you are. And the remembrance of who you are sets you free from all condemnation. The remembrance of who you are sets you free from any force of negativity that wishes to take away your positive light.
Light must shine out and illuminate the darkness. The darkness is a weak form. It is an illusion. It has not always been. At a time negativity was created. It was created, children. And what has risen out of that negativity was created. That means it hasn’t always been, so it is an illusion, and it can be and will be destroyed. But positivity has always been, and what has arisen out of positivity was a shape of that energy which had always been.
You are not an illusion. You are the part of you that has always been. You are the God source. You are not capable of being overtaken by a thing that isn’t a real form. Negativity is illusion created so that the process of learning and evolving could take place on Earth and in this universe and in most other universes. But not all universes made negativity in order to learn. It was created so that you could choose to be real or to be that which you are not. It was created so that you could choose love over hate, so that you would have the choice that you could learn to love and that you could appreciate love because you had experienced its opposite.
But you have experienced an illusion only, and you will cast off disillusionment, and you will be free from ignorance, and overcome all negative forces, and your planet will be a birthplace of new technologies and open-mindedness and creative thought, of harmony and of love, and unity between all races, all cultures, both genders, and between people of all ages, so that no one will differentiate themselves from another, but everyone will look and see that all people are born from the same thought.
The joy, the love, the harmony, the tranquility, the friendship, the beauty that created us is in everyone of us flowing all through us, making up every part of us, breathing out through our lungs, breathing in love, breathing out light, with never a thought of disharmony. No such thought has ever entered into its mind, only accord, only tranquility, only a spirit of goodwill for the betterment of all.
I am Faleekastrina of the Council for the Assistance to Earth, and I bid you Namaste.
Copyright © 2010 The Luminary Ana