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Starseeds Come Together, Walk Your Path — A Message from Ezekiel Memchat

“You have to pull yourselves together. Seek guidance as to your part in bringing the Starseeds together because none of you are here to walk alone. Your missions are all intertwined.”

May 12, 2010

I am Ezekiel Memchat of the Council For The Assistance To Earth, and we have come through a great barrier in the last few days. We’ve broken through the voice of fear and we have become louder than we were. And above the voice of fear was the voice of somebody who was very comfortable and wanted to stay in that easy and unchallenging place, but we have overtaken it.

Many of you are feeling differently lately. Many of you are breaking through something at this time. It is important for you to acknowledge what you have come through, and if you feel like you are under fire lately, you need to only realize the source. We wish to turn the light on so that you can see what has been hidden from you.

There is a constant battle, and it is always shifting back and forth. One side will be victorious in an area, but they will lose ground in another area of your thought, and sometimes we have to give leeway in an area to allow us to get through in another important area.

So many people with so many thoughts. Your heads race. It is so important to quiet the throng. They aren’t you.

We have won a battle lately in your subconscious minds only. It will not surface immediately. It never does. You have subconsciously accepted the thought that will cause us to be able to get through in your conscious mind when it comes to your purpose in life. There has been confusion with a lot of people about what their purpose is, but that’s because the voices they’ve been listening to don’t want them to follow their own path, and some people are so bent on following the true path. That is how it is for many of you Starseeds, and so, since you are so set on the right path, you have rejected all other paths that were presented to you, but the tactic of our enemy became confusion. They wanted to confuse you as to what the true path really was. If you step out of fear, if you step into our courage, you’re going to gain clarity on that very soon.

Fear is another tactic that they are often using to support confusion. They do everything with emotions that they cause you to feel. You have to know what you are really feeling because confusion and fear, among others, are emotions that they have become adept at controlling you with. You are so convinced they are yours. They know that you will believe that the feelings are yours, and once you have given into a feeling that does not serve your purpose, you are vulnerable to doing what is not your real purpose. You are vulnerable to their thoughts when you slip into their emotions.

And you call your Reality your higher self as if it is above you, as if it is something you aren’t, or separate from you, but what you have to understand is that what you are accepting lately — I’m saying lately meaning this Earth life; you are very old and so this life has not been a long time for you — so I say that lately what you have thought and you have felt was not Really you.

You are Really your higher self. It is these thoughts and feelings when they are out of alignment with your Reality that are not you. Do not think the God Source in you isn’t really the Real you. Don’t get caught up in feelings that you are experiencing lately because they will all end. You are your God Self. This war is one battle after another battle all centered around whether or not humanity will hear their own selves. This is about the illusional self versus the Real Self, so it is really a battle going on inside of each person on the Earth plane.

We cannot swoop down and save your planet as some of you are expecting. You have to let go of whatever is in you that needs to be helped and needs to be saved. We are not here to rescue you. You would be so looked down upon by every other galactic race if we were to just hand the technologies down to you. You must come up with your own. You already have technologies that are being covered up that most of you don’t even realize have been invented yet. You have the power already to solve many of your problems. The human race has become able to uphold itself.

The problem is that people who have knowledge hold it to themselves. They want to be the one, the one with the knowledge, the one with the power, the one with all the say, and it is time to pull yourselves out of all competition and out of all comparisons. You are not better than anyone or worse than anyone or more worthy, and you are not unworthy either. You have to pull yourselves together. Seek guidance as to your part in bringing the Starseeds together because none of you are here to walk alone. Your missions are all intertwined. Your missions are all the same. You were put here in different countries and you’ve had lives on many different worlds, and yet you were brought here with one mission and it is to bring this Earth into fulfillment. You cannot do it by yourself. So stop pushing against the love that is coming toward you.

I believe in all of you. You are the weapons on the forefront we have sent. You are not going to be secret weapons. Something’s going to happen that forces you to come out, and I want you to be prepared because, however comfortable you’ve been, however comfortable you’ve been made to feel, you know that it’s not your path to be secluded from one another, and so it is not your path to be secluded from the world. When you find one another you break this fear that has a hold over you. When you find one another you are encouraged and that is a weapon against them.

Speak to one another. You are the weapons that we sent to the forefront of the war, and that is the most difficult place to be. That’s the place where you get hurt most. That’s the part of the army that’s most vulnerable to its enemies. You are at the forefront. You sent yourself into humanity’s war because you knew that they could not defeat the voices on their own. We sent you here because we knew you would find a way to recognize your own voice. We knew you would be so strong that you would act on what it was saying.

You’re going to be forced to do your job in the next few years, or you’re going to start doing it on your own. There’s no way around it. We’re in the middle of a war and we’re going to win. We’re not going to let anything like fear cause us to lose something so precious as Earth.

The Earth is a valuable piece in the multiverse. It is an ideal planet for life. Life happened on its own. So many planets have to be tampered with to produce any life on their own, and that is why there are so many life-sustaining planets around you. We are living on many of them, but we made them suitable for our kinds of life forms, and we made them suitable in some cases to support many allying races.

We came up with an air that multiple races could breathe, slightly different from the air that all of them would normally have breathed as individual races, but with components from each type of air, and with machines that filtered out for the individual what it could not take in, and machines to manipulate what the individual breathed out, and so we can all sit together in councils like this one, The Council For The Assistance To Earth.

It is time to come together. It is time to step out in leadership and bring yourselves together, even if you have to do something profound. It is in you. You will find a way to bring yourselves together. If you start asking for help, you will know your part in bringing the Starseed community together.

When you are together you cannot be singled out and destroyed. When you are together, you are an impenetrable wall, and when you step out in love and begin to rebuild this Earth together, you will succeed because destiny is on your side. The Reptilians, the Grays, every controller, the Annunaki, and all of their converts are not destined to win. They are destined to be defeated by you, so understand it is inevitable that you succeed. It is inevitable that you walk the path, so when you begin to get more clarity on it, it is so important to act upon it. It is so important, if you are afraid of fulfilling your mission, to align yourself with the Starseeds around you.

All of you have Starseeds somewhere in your area that you could find. You have to understand, we wouldn’t have put you in a place where there were no others like you. That would not have been a smart strategy. There are others around you. Not all of them are awakened yet. Find them. You will know what to do if you keep asking for our guidance and shift yourself into courageousness.

We’re not asking for you to do it alone. There are others around you who are like you. You have technology suited to the purpose of finding others like you. Talk to one another. Encourage, be uplifted by one another because you are all here to help one another to individually succeed and you don’t need to be afraid of one another. You are all here to support and uplift each other and you will not experience judgment among those like you. If you hide within your house you will be trapped by the fear that is being emitted around you.

You are here for a purpose, and you will do that purpose. We don’t want to force you. We want you to step into it on your own. It would be easier for you and for us, and so much better for you to defeat it on your own without being pushed out of your comfortable experience. It is going to happen, one way or the other. Please stop pushing against your path and step onto it. You are going to do your job one way or the other. It is so much easier to do it on your own without being thrown into it. So much easier to start being yourself on your own than to have all the illusions peeled off of you all at once. So much easier to step into your reality now.

It is important to go ahead and start doing your destined job now before it is upon you. Ask us to prepare you for what is coming. Ask us to show you the way, the way of your destiny, and the way of coming together. You’ll get an idea. You’ll see a sign, and if you act on it, another will be shown to you, another will be given to you. You will know, ‘go here and not there.’ Follow the one voice. It has sound judgment. It will lead you out of the darkness of confusion and into clarity.

All things will become clear very soon.


Copyright © 2010 The Luminary Ana

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