“When will the time be now to choose your own vibrational tone and not allow anything to bring you into a lower sound frequency?”
June 20, 2010
Do computers, wireless routers, mobile phones, etc. affect our ability to connect with higher vibrational beings and even BE higher vibrational beings? — Andrea
Do computers, wireless routers, mobile phones, etc. affect our ability to connect with higher vibrational beings and even BE higher vibrational beings? — Andrea
Every machine gives out a vibrational frequency, and so all types of machinery affect us.
When you are talking about wireless phones, understand that the conversations are traveling across the airwaves to get back to your phone. Even though they are zooming in on your specific conversation, they’re still collecting energy from the airwaves caused by every other conversation going on.
The internet goes all over the world and millions of people are on it at once. So it is a wonderful device to connect with others, and I enjoy using it myself through this blog. It is good that I can communicate with many people at once, but all of the people on the internet who are using it are putting their energy into the databases and so a mix of all these energies is sent toward you, especially on social networks with a lot of communication that is happening between people.
It is good to visualize a white light all around your screen and also to see a door at the front of the screen which you can shut and lock. The white light will absorb the energy, and the locked door will make sure that it remains inside of the white light and goes nowhere else.
The good thing about this is, if you are increasing your vibration, then you are sending out a higher frequency into these databases and over the airwaves. And this will reach people. It is very easy to protect yourself from lower energies coming toward you, with the same sort of visualization as the one for your screen. People affect one another, so it is more the passing of communication between people and their energies passing to one another through the machinery that affects people most.
Although all machines have frequencies which affect our minds, I want to address cable tv. That is the worst machine. If you are watching the tv, you need to visualize a thick bubble of light all around your head and call your guides to protect you and allow you to discern what is in front of you being shown to you so that it will not manipulate you or control you.
Subliminal messages on the tv screen do lower people’s vibrations. Not only are you picking up on people who are watching it at the same time as you, but you are being sent messages consciously and subconsciously in an effort to control you.
If you have to watch tv, then visualize that around you. But it is better to turn it off completely, and it is also good to take fasts from all media, to go without reading news of any kind, to meditate upon your inner self frequently, and to recognize that all of us have programs to release.
Most people want to think that they are above it all, but you are inside of the system. Even if you are unplugged, you are still living in it. If you realize that you are affected by it, then you can take measures that will enable you to be freed from it.

When a person is watching their tv, and they are believing everything they are being shown, it is dulling their mind, it is fixing on the screen and passing into it, so everyone’s energy passes through the wires, including those of higher vibrational people who are not fixed or dulled.
This is a difficult job, but for those who feel guided to do this, you can actually send a high vibration purposely through your tv to people who are being dulled or controlled. You can send the energy to individuals on the screen as well. The tv can act as a conduit. You can send your positive energy to a newscaster, for instance, who is reporting a terrible disaster. Or you can send your energy to an actor. Even if it is a taped show, it will be sent to them.
You can also visualize a white light coming down into your crown chakra. You can see it going into a certain chakra and send the energy of that chakra out to them. For instance, if you want them to feel love, connect this white light to your heart chakra and send a beam of white light from your heart chakra through the screen and to the person, or if you want them to become more aware, you can connect to your crown chakra or your third eye and send that energy out. If you want them to speak the truth, you can connect to your throat chakra.
This technology doesn’t have to control. It can be used to help people instead, only make sure that you are protected. Remember all throughout the day to visualize light around yourself, because conversations are passing through the airwaves all the time.
People like to communicate very much, and one day all the world will be at peace with each other, and there will only be pure love conversations, and no one will need to protect themselves from energies coming toward them.
Until that day dawns on the world, protect your aura so that it does not absorb lower vibrations, and send out your love and your higher communication. Send out your higher vibrational energy through your cell phones and allow it to go where it is most needed.
Thank you for your question, Andrea.
I am Plashdar and I bid you Namaste.
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