“The money system will never go away when the money system is hated. What you repel away from you is always what you will attract more of. What you repel away from you will always exist. What you fight will become bigger and stronger.”
August 25, 2010
We hear a lot about the law of attraction. What is the best way to manifest prosperity and abundance (meaning money) so that we can have a joyful life experience? Thank you. David.
I am Plashdar. Thank you for your question. There are many factors to attracting abundance and prosperity and any material thing. There are many factors to not attracting it.
Money is a humongous thought form. Everybody is constantly, constantly, constantly thinking about it, and it is growing. It is always gaining power, gaining life and energy. This system will not go away.
We have looked into the future. We do not see it collapsing as many Starseeds wish to think it will. They do not understand what they are dealing with. This is a thought form, which is a program that all Earthlings have created and all Earthlings sustain. Even primitive cultures who did not use coins traded. The only way to cause the thought form to work for you instead of against you is to stop empowering it.
There are many people affected by this, so there are multiple ways to answer this question. I’m going to try to address as many people as possible with my answer.
There are many Starseeds who hate money and want the money system to go away. They spend their time hating and hating and hating money. What they really want is to have money, but they have convinced themselves that they don’t want it, and that it’s a terrible thing to have, that the money system should not exist, but they disprove their point, because they have not learned from the money system yet, and so it has not fulfilled its purpose. It is a teacher, like all things. It teaches us. It teaches us.
By hating money, you hurt yourself financially, and not only that, but your energy is sent out and someone else picks up on your thoughts about hating money, especially if you are a Starseed, because your thoughts are meant to be picked up on. Starseeds must be especially careful what they are thinking about at any given time. They are here to bless the Earth, and they are here to send out thoughts and emotions that other people will pick up on. It is in their programming. What I mean is, it is in their DNA. Starseeds are here to affect people’s minds, to give them new ideas.
The money system will never go away when the money system is hated. What you repel away from you is always what you will attract more of. What you repel away from you will always exist. What you fight will become bigger and stronger. Even if you defeat it, it will show up in another form. Money is not to be hated. It is a program created to learn.
You are learning from it. God is learning from it. We are all learning, and you are learning through the system of money. It will not go away because you are wishing it would. That will cause it to grow more. Instead, you must focus on people living abundantly. Stop focusing on the people in power having all the money and control. Think about what you are thinking about.
Now, let’s move on. All planets have a system. You can read my other article, “We Are People,” and you will see that we have a credit system. But no one is in control, and anyone can move up in the system, and everyone is appreciated, and everyone is given credit for what they have put out, for the amount of energy they have put out. Time is energy put out. When you give of your time, you give of your energy.
Money is energy.
Money is energy.
Money is energy.
Money is just energy, and that is all it really is. You cannot blame the energy for the form it has taken. Don’t let the thought form despise itself. If it pities itself, it will grow in a very negative way. It should love itself. It is just doing what you all have told it to do. It is just a program. You must stop feeding the program negative thoughts, and begin to love it instead. It is an energy, a mass of energy.
What you hate isn’t money. It is what is done with the money. You hate lack. You hate that some people are abundant when other people are not, and you focus on being not. People in general focus on being not — not abundant, not prosperous, not, not, not.
But your brain isn’t saying, ‘not.’ It doesn’t say I am not. It responds to your feelings. You’re going on about money, and you’re feeling happy about it. Or you’re going on about money, and you’re feeling really bad about it. And there are so many layers of you thinking so many gosh, darn things about money, and I have to emphasize it, because it is amazing, the amount of time and energy that is placed into thoughts about money, and they are mainly not good. I think that probably the most amount of negative thoughts people think have to do with money.
Please stop hating money. Do you understand that you are hurting yourself? That you hurt the people living in the world around you as well when you think your poverty thoughts? Thoughts of lack cannot dominate your experience if you wish to be abundant in it. But there are some people who would say, “Yes, but I’m being very positive about my finances, and nothing is really changing or happening for me in that regard. What am I not doing? What am I not getting?” So for the positive people, or for the people really trying to be positive about their money, thank you. You are really, really helping.
It is very difficult, we understand, to look at what is around you and feel the opposite of it, but it is all about the energy that you put out. The energy of your thoughts going out, and the energy of your feelings going out. But also the energy of your body going out. Your physical body must take physical actions that are in agreement with your thoughts of abundance and your feelings of abundance.
You must say to yourself what you are at all times, “I am abundant. I am abundant. I am abundant.” When this seeps down into your consciousness, dimensions of you will be saying it at all times. Connect with the thought form. Let it know you are happy it is there, that it is teaching you. You know it is only a program doing what you tell it to do. Ask your mind what physical actions you can take today that are in agreement with what you are thinking and feeling about money.
All of your bodies have to be in agreement with what you want, because many people are thinking about what they want and they are feeling what they want, and so, the program gives them an idea, “Well, if I do this, I could make this amount of money.” And so often, people don’t go along with the idea. They make excuses. The program will try again, if they continue to focus on abundance. Sometimes the money just falls into our lap. Normally, there is something you must you do for the simple reason that money is physical. It has a physical form even though it is energy, and so your physical body must put energy out as well to bring the physical substance toward you.

It is all about the energy sent out. It is about going in and connecting with dimensions of yourself and loving them, because they are just doing what you have told them. They are either thinking lack or they are thinking abundance, depending on how they have been programmed. And most people have both. Another post that would be good to read is the one by Fongeetale called, “You Are A Great Calm,” which talks about other dimensions of yourself.
When you are feeling bad about something, your energy automatically closes off. It is like folding your arms across your chest when you feel bad about something. You close yourself off to good things. You must love things, yes, material things. It is not wrong to have them, but it is wrong to despise or hate them for their existence, because God is in them. They are the energy of the Creative Source as all things are, and it is good to have money. It is good to live abundantly, and this is another reason that many Starseeds, and people as a whole, but I believe especially Starseeds, do not attract money, because they believe it is wrong to attract money, it isn’t good to have it.
Yes, Reptilians came up with this system, rather they twisted systems already in existence, but thoughts of lacking money are also Reptilian. The only way to beat the system is to love money, and to love material things, to love everything. You talk about loving people. They are beings, and that is good. But how much do you love them if you do not love the things they have created? Material things they created.
Do not hate clothing that you cannot afford. Do not hate technologies you cannot afford. Don’t hate the car you can’t buy yet. And certainly don’t hate a person that does have that car that you want. But bless the person with your thoughts. “Look at how abundant they are. Look at how abundant I can be, because they are just like me, they are a person operating in a human form like I am. If they can attract it, certainly I can also attract abundance. Look at all the money they have, and I am happy for them. I am glad they are financially stable. I am glad that financially they are well off.”
Help each other with your thoughts. Do not think bad things toward people with money. People all want money because they want to live decently and they want to have good things. They want to have a happy life experience, and in order to do that here, you have to make money. Whether or not you like the system, it is teaching, it is doing it’s job, and if you will let go of your hatred of it and begin to love it through and through, it will absolutely come toward you. It will speed up, it will race toward you.
Love people who have money. Love people. Love people who have things you don’t have. Love people who have talents you don’t have, and your own talents will increase. Love people who have financial abundance, and your own financial abundance will increase. Be happy that money exists. It is a way for you to live abundantly. It does not trap you or make you unable to do things or experience things that you want to experience. It does the opposite. Money is a way you can experience those things here. It does the opposite of trap you.
When you have money, you can do anything with that money that you want. You can go anywhere. You can have things that you’ve always wanted to have. You can buy and do things, have things that you’ve always wanted to have. Things, materials things, are not bad. They are all around you, and they are not bad. They can be used in a bad way, but they themselves are not bad.
People can be violent. They can use their bodies to do bad things, to harm each other. Does that make their body bad? Material things are not evil, and it is not wrong to have them or to want them. To have and have and have in excessive amounts and not to give, this is not good. But when the universe wishes to give you abundance, it is right to gracefully accept it, to allow it to come toward you, to say, “Yes, Universe. Thank you so much! What a kind Universe you are!”
When people want to give you gifts, so many people, their automatic reaction is to close themselves off. “Oh, no. That’s all right. You really don’t have to. Really.” But this translates as, “I’m really not deserving. I don’t really deserve your gift,” and the Universe cannot give more gifts to you. So many people allow themselves to give and not receive, but the Universe is constantly pouring out energy from its belly of abundance. It wants to give and give and give and give and give away. It has an endless supply. It contains an endless, infinite supply of energy. Energy cannot end. It can never end. It is constant and never ending, and it takes on many forms. Money is one of those forms.
Give up your resistance and allow money to flow to you because it is not a bad thing. Money frees you up to operate here to fulfill your mission in life. You must have money to succeed here, and that is a good thing. Do not automatically say, “Well then, I can’t succeed.” Do not automatically feel that you will be unsuccessful because I am saying that you will need money to succeed. Realize how good money is. “Money is great. Money will let me see places I’ve never been to. Money will give me education. Money will give me a comfortable life. Money will enable me to give to other people. Money will give me enjoyment and satisfaction because of all that I can do with it.”
Money benefits the world when the world has it. The world will have it when people start loving it and not hating it or hating the people who experience it in a good way. People do not come here for bad experiences. They end up with them because of what they are believing. God is not punishing you by sending you here. God is allowing you to create what you want, and God is only saying yes to you.
Whatever your feelings you are saying what you want, according to the thought going along with them. And if you are feeling good, no matter what you are thinking about along with the feeling, you cannot create bad things in that moment. You are only creating good things. It is more about the feeling than the thought. The thought directs the feeling. Feelings about money are what has caused all the abundance in the world, all the prosperity in the world and all of the opposite in the world. Feelings about money.
Money is just energy, and energy is good, and energy is all of its forms operates to teach us. Money is a good thing because it can benefit people. It can benefit the Earth. It can give people more than enough. It can satisfy them by enabling them to live out their dreams, and so it is not bad. Release any thought that money is harmful or bad. Begin to love it, love it. Wish for nothing, want for nothing, but love the things that you want to experience. Don’t need them.
Wanting and needing. Obviously we want things, but we can’t have the feeling of lack with them. I want that, but can’t have it. I need it because it isn’t in my experience right now. Just start loving it. Love the experience you would like to have.
“I love that, I love this, I love that, I love this. This is lovely. I love this. That is lovely, too. I love that. I would like more of that and I just plain love it!” And the Universe says, “Oh, they love it! Let’s flood them with more of that!”
Copyright © 2010 The Luminary Ana