“We offer you protection, and we offer you understanding if you will listen, and if you are willing to remove what hinders you. If you are willing to step into the darkness, we will bring you into light, and all darkness will be removed from you.”
September 20, 2010
I am Faleekastrina of the Council For The Assistance To Earth, and my Council is one of a vast number of councils aiding the Earth. It is a speck if you were to count every council in this multiverse. But we are one of the few councils with members from all over the multiverse that have come together to aid one particular planet.
All over the multiverse there are universes without concepts that run this universe we are now in. Every universe has its own laws, like time or gravity, but they are all different. In another universe, time or gravity would not exist. Something else would exist, other laws we have never imagined existed. Each universe has another outlook of the Creative Mind, which formed all of the multiverses.
You must open your minds. It is through opening your mind that you allow the Creative Source to express itself.
The Reptilians are in control of this world, and they do it all by formulating dogmas and traditions and narrow-minded laws and viewpoints and ways of operating that put the mind of humanity in a cage of limits. People are taught that individualism is valued, but no one is allowed to be themselves.
Everyone is taught such as in a boot camp for the army, “We must all fall in line. We must walk in single file behind one another. No one can step out of the line. We must follow suit. We must encourage the people who are trying to step out of the line, that it is better to remain cozy and safe and secure and in a place where they have everything figured out.” But I can tell you with a certainty, that on Earth you don’t have anything figured out.
You have to let go of your fear, and realize that, from this viewpoint, you really cannot have things all figured out. You are in a Reptilian controlled system in which you have been taught certain truths. You are convinced that male energy, for instance, is more outgoing or aggressive. That female energy is more receptive.
You are convinced that good means doing everything you can to help people who do not help themselves, but so often the thing that would really help them to grow would be to realize that they had to stand up on their own feet because there was no one to help them. They would learn to rely on themselves, and they would break karmic habits that they have had for so long. Instead, they continue to learn to manipulate people through pity to feel sorry for them and to help them. People learn to go without, that it is better to give away everything they have to someone who has nothing, but all they do then is cause themselves to also have nothing.
So many concepts on the Earth plane are Reptilian controlled. Expression has been stifled on this planet, and new viewpoints, new thoughts have been kept under the surface, not allowed to come to the conscious mind of human beings. But these places are coming forward, these memories, these things you learned before you came here to this Earth plane. Things you understand that you can’t explain, because you were not taught them by books, and no one told them to you. And there is something deep inside of everyone, trying to be remembered, wanting to escape its confinement, wanting to be released from the prison of having everything figured out.
You do not have things figured out. Release your fear. Let go and allow yourself access to conscious mind by remembering that, in this viewpoint, the things you are taught are there to help you seek the truth and discover it, but you must first understand that many of your truths must fall away.
The true human being has an open mind. It is curious, always seeking the truth, always willing to let go of truths it had accepted before, and always willing to learn from another, always willing to look at itself, always willing to change itself. It realizes why it is here; that it entered this viewpoint, it came into this place to see if from this angle it could learn to go within, could learn to see itself, find its true nature in the midst of all of these physical things. It came here to go within, to go within, and it is by going within, it is all within. None of it is outside contained in a book. It is inside of you. Everything is inside of you.
You must go within. If you cannot find the knowledge within yourself, you will never have it. It is this part of you, this deep, subconscious part of you that has not forgotten what it knew before it came here that you must connect with. You must continually say to yourself, “Who is my reality? What is my reality doing? What does my reality wish to do? What does my Reality wish to say? What does my Reality know about its true nature?”
You must continuously meditate upon your true nature. “What are my true thoughts? What are the things I am truly wanting? I know what I have been taught to want, but there is more and I am allowed to want it.”
You did not come here to be contained or confined. You came here so that in the midst of these confinements you could learn to be yourself, and through finding yourself, and attuning to your own higher frequency, you will change the fabric of the world around you. It will become a place where real ideas are expressed, where the God Source is freely operating, where all new ideas are encouraged, where people exist for spiritual and mental and emotional advancement and they are in harmony with one another.
We are all learning to become peaceful and in harmony with each other. We are all learning not to judge one another because we are learning not to judge ourselves. And if you will stop judging yourself, you will allow your higher aspects access into your conscious mind, because they will know that they are accepted. And then their energies will begin to integrate with you consciously, and you will transform, and the human race will go back to its original frequency, and it will be an angelic human race that is without disease or war, that does not manipulate or control others, but operates peacefully and in harmony. As we let go of our fear we do this.
As we let go of our fear of lack, we automatically are harmonious with each other, because we do not need anyone else’s energy. If you do not need someone else’s energy, there is no need to control them. They are just there and you are there, and you need nothing from one another. And those who are not in a state of need, never go to war with one another. They stand along side each other, totally equal, having everything they need. Totally free. Connected to their God Source, the God Source which is lacking nothing.
They do not need war. They do not need fear. They do not need strife, because they do not need one another’s energy. They have found everything they needed within themselves. They are at peace within, and so they have found peace without in the world around them, and everyone around them operates in a state of harmony when they are near them, because when someone is in a state of harmony and they are at peace in all dimensions of themselves, they can only pull from the people around them those dimensions which are also harmonious.
We are at peace with you, and if you are reading this post, you are attracting someone who is in perfect harmony with you into your vibration. You are attracting someone who is wanting you to expand and grow. You are attracting someone who accepts you as you are, who sees you, all the aspects of you, including your higher nature and the places in you that you are seeking to express, and it accepts them. And this is what you are attracting right now into your vibration. On some level of you, you are in total harmony with yourself.
You simply state, “I am connecting to the part of me that is in harmony with itself and with everything,” and you are automatically in that dimension of you, and then you suggest to yourself, “I am letting go of all control, and I am stepping into the part of myself that is tranquil,” and you are automatically in that dimension, and the beliefs that are holding it back begin to release out of your emotional and mental bodies.
“I am falling in line with my higher nature. It is directing me. I am falling in line with the God Source. I have everything I need. I lack nothing. I am falling into alignment with the parts of me that are in harmony with myself and everything existing beside me. Everything that exists is part of the God Creative Source, and so I also exist alongside them and within them. I am one with everything. I am in harmony with all things. I am in harmony with myself.”
It is this higher nature as it comes forward that transforms the vibration of this place, and we must continually work to expand our minds, to grow and learn more about our higher natures, releasing aspects that no longer work, realizing we are more than we thought, and there isn’t a stopping point. There is always a next dimension. It is the same as numbers. You can keep counting and counting and counting. So it is with dimensions. So it is with God.
There is never a stopping point. You can always learn even more. You can always improve, expand your mind and transform. There isn’t a stopping point. There is never a realm so high it cannot evolve. There is never a peak so high that there is not something above it or beyond it, something to look up to. We are forever becoming more loving, growing, learning as the God Source is always learning, becoming more and more conscious of itself, and you are a piece of that consciousness, and you are awakening right now.
You are becoming more and more awakened. There is always something better. There is always a new horizon, and there is never boredom or sameness when we step into the flow of the Universe. It is always producing new experiences, new concepts it had not thought of, and they are in its mind. So it is possible to tap into the knowledge of a distant universe, if you will only expand your mind’s capacity to learn it.
Understand that nothing is ever mundane outside of a Reptilian way of thinking. There is no such thing as sameness. No one is the same. We are all unique forms of the creative source with something to say that is distinct and different from every other person. We are each a unique vibration, and we are becoming more conscious of our own frequency. For it to dawn on us, we must become completely accepting of it, whatever it is.
Copyright © 2010 The Luminary Ana