“We offer you protection, and we offer you understanding if you will listen, and if you are willing to remove what hinders you. If you are willing to step into the darkness, we will bring you into light, and all darkness will be removed from you.”
There is a council that meets every day upon your moon. We hold our meetings looking down from your moon upon your Earth.
We are the Council for the Assistance to Earth, and we greet you! We are here! And that is the purpose of this message: to tell you we are here and we assist you.
Each message on this blog is solely guided by the direction of the Council for the Assistance to Earth, and we give this direction to Ana. And what is transcribed here is for the purpose of Earth’s ascension, and to help allow that process: to assist Earthlings in knowing what they can do to increase the awareness of those around them and to increase the Earth’s vibration so that the shift of energy and the ascension of Mother Gaia will take place unabated and on perfect schedule.

And when you do your part, when you are in the place you are meant to be in the time you are meant to be there, then you assist Gaia, and you assist us. But the time is fast upon us all. And you have not heard us, and so we come to individuals that we have placed here in order to tell you that the time has come. The time is now for the ascension of Earth. We have looked down upon your Earth and seen its ruinous future if it does not ascend. It must ascend! It cannot be given over to the vile and corrupt races which would like to overtake it, whose technologies are so far beyond yours.
But we are holding Earth under our protection. You must realize you are not alone. We are here. We are here to assist you. We are the Council for the Assistance to Earth. We are here to assist you. When you call on us, we will aid you. We will assist the Earth. And we offer you protection, and we offer you understanding if you will listen, and if you are willing to remove what hinders you. If you are willing to step into the darkness, we will bring you into light, and all darkness will be removed from you. But if you refuse to look at your own darkness, it will remain hidden from you, and you cannot be a light being, if there is any darkness remaining in you.
We are your friends, and we come to you from a vibration that is solely love, and we have the highest of intents for you and your planet. And we have learned to remove our egos out of the way and to look at what is best for all concerned, because we have seen the transgressions of our ways, and we made a conscious decision to step out of lower vibrations and into a higher one.
Let us assist you in your transformation. When you call on us we do aid you. Let it be known that we are the Council for the Assistance to Earth, and we are here as your friends. I am Plashdar, and I am the spokeswoman for this council, and I speak to you on its behalf.
The Council assists you!
Copyright © 2010 The Luminary Ana