“NEVER speak negatively about your pet! Especially if you are in front of the animal. It understands more than you realize, and it will agree with you, with every word you speak to it, because it is provided for by you and you are its owner. “
October 02, 2010
What is happening to our animals, specifically, our ‘pets’ who are living a less than natural domesticated life? I imagine that the wild animals are evolving just right, but is there anything we should do to help our beloved companion animals? Do they also have ascension symptoms? Diane
Thank you Diane for your question! Animals are wonderful people and they have ascension symptoms like everyone else. Increased empathy, increased empathic abilities. These empathic abilities cause increased stress levels and sometimes cause them to become physically ill. Often, pets who become sick, are sick because they are taking an illness from their owner, or taking emotional stress away from their owner and it develops into a physical ailment. When a pet is becoming sick, the owners must look within themselves and ask what they have been dwelling on. If they will clear out their own blocks, the animal will become well again. Pets are always trying to help their owners.
Animals give so much to the Earth. People believe they are only taking, but they are constantly adding their energy, vitality and openness to the Earth, uplifting her. As animals ascend, the Earth ascends, just as it is with human beings. Everything upon the Earth affects her.
Each animal is different and so every pet will have it’s own process of ascending, but the most common traits of ascension in pets are again, their increased levels of empathy as well as their heightened awareness to the physical, mental and emotional well being of the people they are living with, or interacting with.
The animals that are not domesticated are having trouble ascending actually. This is because of the blockages within the energy of the Earth, because of the toxins affecting her; toxins being dumped into the oceans, polluting the air, the water, and therefore polluting whatever grows on the land, and therefore affecting all animal life, because the animals eat the plants, the fruit, or other animals which are eating what comes from the Earth. As the ground becomes polluted, so do the animals.
Conservation is an important part of helping the Earth to ascend. Decreasing plastic waste, and the use of any materials that will not decompose, discontinuing the use of microwaves because of the frequencies they are sending out, decreasing the use of all electrical devices, and discontinuing the use of televisions. If you do not need to use the light in the living room because you are sitting in your bedroom, walk into the living room and turn the light off. It is simple things such as this that help the energy of the planet you are occupying. It is simple things such as this that increase the flow of positive energy upon the Earth, and help yourself, the people around you including the animals, plants and other life forms around you, to evolve and to ascend.
Whatever is pure, pure water, pure food, whatever cleanses the Earth, whatever cleanses your own body, this helps the ascension of the planet Earth.
It is very important the kind of food you are feeding to your pets. Toxins decrease levels of awareness and it is VERY important to only consume the most pure foods, and this is also true of all animals and plants. What you feed your pet can help them to ascend considerably.
When you are feeding organic food to your pet you are decreasing the amount of poisons entering their body. And not only their physical body, because although food appears physical, it is just energy, and the energy of the food passes into every other body. The emotional, mental and energetic bodies become affected by what passes through the physical body.
This is also important and I cannot say it emphatically enough, NEVER speak negatively about your pet! Especially if you are in front of the animal. It understands more than you realize, and it will agree with you, with every word you speak to it, because it is provided for by you and you are its owner. You know what is best for it, and it looks up to you. It will listen to what you are saying concerning it’s own health and intelligence.
Tell your pet it is ascending. Tell your pet it is continuously becoming more aware. Tell your pet it is becoming more telepathic. Tell your pet that it easily communicates with you. Tell your pet it is strong and flexible. Tell your pet it is healthy. Tell your pet it is getting younger. Tell your pet that it’s brain capacity is increasing. Tell your pet every disease is leaving it. Tell your pet that it is immune to illness. Tell your pet that it is eternally healthy. Tell your pet that it is calm and content.
Animals hear what their owners are saying over them. So speak good things over your pets.
I am Fongeetale.
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