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Fongeetale Answers The Question: Tell us about the merkaba. How can we light up our merkabas?

“We offer you protection, and we offer you understanding if you will listen, and if you are willing to remove what hinders you. If you are willing to step into the darkness, we will bring you into light, and all darkness will be removed from you.”

Tell us about the merkaba. How can we light up our merkabas? — Justin

We have a different opinion about the merkaba. The merkaba is a portal that can guide you in and out of other dimensions. Every person has a merkaba. The Earth has several. What I would like to tell you about is the Earth’s chakras, and then move into the Earth’s merkabas.

Every planet has chakras and merkabas that people can communicate through or pass through. For instance, if I want for clear communication to be the new way of speaking all over the planet, honest communication with other nations and with one another on Earth, I tune my own merkaba to the frequency of the chakra AhSoDach, an Atlantean word for one of the Earth’s throat chakras. It has many of them. It is an enormous being.

People need to let go of their concept of physical space, or they will never understand the amount of chakras they contain. Your body cannot run with only seven or twelve or thirteen, it is impossible. People are still thinking about space, but your energy field is simply projecting itself as physical space. It expands for miles and miles. So you have millions of chakras. Most of them are not operating. People are not evolved enough to need them yet, and so they have not awakened. They will only awaken when people awaken to their own potentials.

But I would tune my own merkaba’s frequency to that of the throat chakra, AhSoDach. It would guide me into this chakra, and I would use the energy of this chakra, which is clear communication, to send out a message to the humans on Earth. The chakra is a being. It is a dimension of Gaia operating as part of Gaia’s subconscious mind, as all chakras are dimensions of the person they reside in.

The merkaba is simply a tool that you can use to travel in and out of anywhere. It moves beyond space, and it guides the person using it to where they have mentally programmed it to go.

The merkaba is a very intelligent being. You could think of it as a guide, but it is more like a starship, really, but it understands commands. So picture your merkaba, and tell it exactly where you want to go and what you want to have happen, such as ‘The Gulf of Mexico is having an oil spill problem, and I want to help clear it up. I am asking you to take me into the Gulf of Mexico and show me exactly what I need to do.’  It may take you somewhere else. It will take you to the source of the problem.

You can also program your merkaba to take you inside yourself. Is there a problem you are facing? Do you want to know the root cause of the problem?

Merkabas never run out of energy, even if they are rarely used by their individual person. They recharge themselves at night when the person is sleeping, and so it is impossible for them to run out of energy, unless the person is someone who never sleeps. They only need to recharge themselves because of the small amount of chakras operating in their person.

It is very good to think about using your merkaba to go in and activate the chakras you are not using. It will obey your commands if you tell it what you want, but it will always show you what the source is — the root source that will answer your question. It will not always take you where you are expecting to go, so do not try to control it, or tell it it is wrong. Allow it to take you where you most need to be to fix a problem or to learn something you’ve been wanting to know. This is a good method. You can learn a lot very quickly in short amounts of time.

You can also program your brain using the merkaba, but I will get into that some other time.

I have about 50,000 chakras operating within myself. I am able to think up new technologies I have never heard of before in an instant. That is how creative I am and how easily I problem solve, because of my brain and the chakras that are awakened inside of it. I feel people empathically over very, very long distances. I can tune into them universes away from me. I can project myself into a council meeting taking place in another universe full bodily, but I will still be sitting in my ship, and I will see everything consciously that everyone in the council meeting is doing. I will be able to stand up and speak. The only thing is, I would, of course, not be able to touch people as I would only be a projection of myself. I would pass through them.

This is because of the amount of chakras I have operating within my being, and I can consult these chakras that are other dimensions of me. I can ask them what they need or want, and I can also tell them what I would like for them to do.

When I ascend to a new dimension, I gain more chakras than I had before I came into that level of vibration because I need them to sustain my increased energy field.

Your merkaba has a name that no other merkaba has, and your merkaba was assigned to you when you were first created, but it is almost like a second you, in a way, because it never leaves you, and it never changes. What I mean is, a guide can be replaced by a new guide when you are ready, but your merkaba will only transform as you ascend. It will not be replaced or changed.

Thank you for your questions.


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