“The darkness is not something to fear. It is something to learn from. It is a tool. That is all. It must be used and looked at to be learned from. You have to go within it. “
July 01, 2010
A few years ago, there was a movie called “An Inconvenient Truth” that spoke of the Earth Changes that are taking place. The movie spoke of melting ice on the planet and rising sea levels that would affect the coast lines around the world. Please update us on the changes that the Earth is currently experiencing. Thank you. — David
Do not trust your media when it talks about Earth changes. It does not accurately tell you what is taking place on the planet right now. Global Warming is a fiction meant to frighten the masses. Rising sea levels, melting ice caps, so much of what the news presents is just to frighten people, so that they will focus on negative things and their power will be taken away from them. So I’m going to get right to the point, and I’m going to say what everyone really needs to hear.
You are creating the Earth. You’re doing it right now.
Right now the planet is going through several major shifts. Anyone who is sensitive can feel these shifts happening all around them and happening quickly. Everyone needs to take advantage of the energy shifts taking place now. Create the world you want with these new energies coming in. The old world will fade, it will be replaced with the new energy of the New Earth.
Nothing is certain about the future. There is only one thing I know, and that is ‘I Will.’
You are willing your life to be the way it is. You are willing the world to be the way it is. The world around you would change if you changed your own mind. The people, the places, the events you attract because of your own will. Not only because of your conscious minds, but because of your deeper, subconscious beliefs.
When we look around us we can all see that on a deep, subconscious level we have many false beliefs, and every false belief is under your command. You can will the world to be as you want it to be. You can visualize peace instead of war. You can think on all levels of your being. You can go within and remove your hate beliefs, which you see mirrored around you in the world. If we are still seeing it around us, then we know that, on a subconscious level, we are in agreement with it, no matter what we are consciously saying.
It is time for everyone to understand their own power, that they are willing the world to be the way it is right now. They are willing the world to be the way it is right now. You are willing the world around you to be the way it is around you right now.
Each dimension of you has beliefs, and you must get in touch with all dimensions of yourself. You must be willing to look at the world around you in yourself, good and bad.
The darkness is not something to fear. It is something to learn from. It is a tool. That is all. It must be used and looked at to be learned from. You have to go within it. Get in touch with the belief and realize the source of it. When you realize what it stems from, you can release it and be free of it, and it will no longer affect you or the world around you.

I envision a free Earth. That is what I Will. I love the Earth. I was once at home within the Earth, a part of me was placed within it, and I had a different sort of life with Gaia, and I was inside of her. All four of us have had lives on your planet, and so we care deeply about the planet Earth. She is our sister, our mother, our friend, our protector. She is our nurturer and provider, but she also needs to be provided for. She loves us and shows her love to us, but we must send it back to her. The cycle must complete itself. The energy of love sent out must return back to her, and so it will.
I Will peace instead of war. I Will riches instead of poverty. I Will gender equality. I Will racial equality. I Will freedom of expression. I Will joy. I Will courage. I Will food for everyone. I Will money for everyone. I Will a government that loves. I Will a government that is peaceful. I Will a government that is honest.
I Will harmony between people. I Will forests to re-grow again. I Will rainforests to stretch out over whole countries, and for people to become balanced with the natural world again, and not destroy it. I Will new technologies that help the Earth. I Will new technologies that help the people of Earth.
I Will health. I Will cures for all diseases. I Will relationships that last. I Will people loving one another. I Will people caring for one another. I Will people to be on their true path and mission in their life. I Will love. I Will love to inhabit and fully envelope the planet Earth.
And so it is.
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