“In order to consciously remember what you are doing when you are sleeping, your brain must have a larger capacity, so that it can accept that what you are doing is important. Right now, its main functioning is for your physical survival.”
August 26, 2010
Could You tell us about dreams. What are we really doing during our sleep at nighttime? Do we meet You Angels and other beings of light and work with you? How can we understand consciously the encoded messages that we are getting from the higher levels during our sleep? — Justin
I am Faleekastrina, Head of The Council For The Assistance To Earth, and firstly, I would like to greet every Earthling member of my Council, all of you that are a member of my Council and visiting at night, and letting us know of the happenings on Earth from your Earthly perspective. This has greatly helped us in aiding the other Starseeds. This has greatly helped and benefited us, enabling us to know how to better help the Starseeds, to know how to better help the Earth, to know how to better help human beings inhabiting the Earth planet.
Not all Starseeds are a member of this Council, and not a large number. Only a few compared to the masses of Starseeds sent here. At this time you are being sent here in mass numbers, but all of the Starseeds are Council members of at least one of the many Councils which are helping in the Earth’s ascension process. And most Starseeds are a member of more than one Council, which they visit when the human body falls asleep.
There are many parts of you at work when you are sleeping. There are higher dimensions of you stepping out of your body, and working to energetically heal it and realign its chakras. And there are dimensions of you which are trying to encode you with new information. There are also dimensions of you, yes, that are visiting guides and, in the case of guides who have come into a human body, when their body is sleeping, they may still be guiding someone else. There are also dimensions which are going out to gather information.
You can look at these dimensions as all different parts of your brain, different parts of your mind. Your brain is always doing a myriad of things at once, but it is still your single brain. You have many parts, many dimensions which are doing individual things all the time, especially when you are sleeping. Then you wake up and you find yourself in one dimension and forget that there are others. You so believe this to be your reality that you do not remember any of the things that happened while you were asleep.
It is as if your brain does not accept the experiences to be real. It accepts its human experience as real, and it accepts the other experiences as fantasies and things you do not need to remember. Because of your brain’s limited capacity, it focuses on what is most important to remember. It focuses on functioning in the most needed ways and areas.
That is why we will sometimes hold ourselves in a certain vibration, and when I say we, I mean members of this Council. Plashdar holds her vibration in the seventh dimension, which means that she holds her brain capacity in that dimension. This is because she is better able to focus on certain tasks that she must get done, whereas, I am in the eleventh dimension, and I’m constantly working to increase my brain’s capacity so that I can handle more and more information and do more at one time, because of the amount of things I must focus on at once.
People rely on me not in one single area as Plashdar is relied upon, but they rely on me with a multitude of concepts that my brain must be able to compute. I am constantly pushing my limits. I am going to classes. These are Councils, but they are far above my dimension, which means they are far above my brain capacity’s level of understanding. The people on these Councils are operating at a much higher level of understanding than I am. And there are a few Councils that I was invited to be a member of, but only to learn.
There is one Council I am a member of in which I am the lowest vibration attending. I never know what this Council is talking about, but I have been on many Councils in which I was the lowest vibration and eventually, I began to understand some of the lowest members which were allowed to give their input. But the lowest vibrations are only ever there to learn. They cannot give input because they do not understand the content of the meeting. So there are always some members who are not allowed to speak. But for those on a certain level, even if it is much lower than the highest members, they can give input in certain areas that they are experts on.
Eventually I will be able to speak within a certain topic during these meetings. It is by increasing my own capacity to understand that my energy rises. The more I am aware, the more I am aware of all things, the more I am centered, the more conscious I become, then I use more brain capacity. My brain must function at a higher level to adjust to my new enlightened state.
I no longer need sleep, but it is because of the amount of brain capacity that I use and the amount of knowledge that my brain has accepted. As my brain begins to function at a higher capacity, more and more of my chakras begin to align, and eventually they begin to activate.
We believe that there are many, many chakras in each body, the energetic body, the emotional body, and the mental, which affect the physical body. For those of you who have not heard our opinion on chakras, please read the post by Plashdar on the Caduceus Rod of Hermes, and the post by Fongeetale on the Merkaba.
The New World is exactly that. It is new. Your body is physical, and so it represents the Earth in its physical form. If you are wanting the Earth to ascend, you’re wanting your own body to ascend, and the physical body is always the last body that is affected in the ascension process. It all starts with mind, and then with emotion. Deciding what you want and then generating the feelings that will attract it.
In order to consciously remember what you are doing when you are sleeping, your brain must have a larger capacity, so that it can accept that what you are doing is important. Right now, its main functioning is for your physical survival.
There are many ways to increase your brain’s capacity. Most human beings use about four or five percent of their brain. Most Starseeds are using more capacity within an area. Some Starseeds are actually using less capacity in other areas so that they focus on the one area with an increased level of brain capacity.
One way to increase your brain’s capacity is to gain control of it. It wants to be in control, and think about whatever it wants to think about. It is running without direction. It is running wild with the information it is used to, the information it needs to survive. Meditation is, of course, the very best way to gain control of your mind. It is important to think about what you are thinking about at all given times. Then you can begin to input new thoughts into your mind during meditation, and see the energy of the thoughts seeping down into your subconscious.
People must understand that they are safe. Their brains have to understand that they are safe, because survival is fear based. These fearful instincts need to be released as they are not helpful to one’s survival, really. Because these thoughts attract harm. The subconscious must release its fear, and the brain must accept the new thoughts, and the way to release the fear is to stop listening to it.
To master your mind, you must think deliberately, then you will begin to use more brain capacity than you currently are, and your brain will be able to focus less on surviving and more on higher awareness, and it will begin to remember where it is going at night, and will not think of it as fantasy, but will consciously remember it as reality. Namaste.
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