“We are protecting your planet. The planet will uphold itself, and it will evolve into what it is destined to become. It is a soul with a mission as all of us have, that we have ordained. The Earth has ordained its ascension to take place at a certain time. We are here to be in alignment with what the Earth decided.”
August 03, 2010
I have been told that there are no dark ET’s anymore on Earth. Is it true the ET’s with dark or negative or harmful intentions toward the Earth people have left the Earth? That the star ships around the Earth are only of members of the Galactic Federation of Light? — Marta
I am Ezekiel Memchat. Thank you for your question, Marta. The Galactic Federation of Light surrounds this planet. The Council For The Assistance To Earth surrounds this planet. Many other councils aligned with the Galactic Federation of Light, which is like a Supreme Court over this Universe, surround this planet.
The Council For The Assistance To Earth is in direct alignment with another Federation. We are directly under their authority. We are under the direction of the Alliance of Peaceful Planets, which is like the Supreme Court over the multiverse. This is because The Council For The Assistance To Earth is not a universal council or a council made up of one race within this universe.
We are not from one race or out of many races from one universe, but we are a body of extraterrestrials from all over the multiverse coming to aid you in this universe, surrounding your planet with love, with light, with awakening and with divine authority. We are protecting your planet. That is why we are here, to awaken and protect Gaia.
If there were no dark ETs, you would not need our protection. We want you to know that the Earth is firmly protected by us and by many, many other councils, both universal and multiversal, and many made up of one single race, as well. But the dark ETs still remain.
There is a universal law that was passed, and as well a multiversal law. The law states that no extraterrestrial race may harm a planet or an individual primitive compared to them; and every primitive planet, and every primitive race must be allowed to awaken to its power, to evolve, to develop its own culture, its own government, its own rules, and have its own belief systems.
When this universal and multiversal law was passed, no dark ETs were ever allowed to come to your planet. But they come. That is why we are here. They are constantly sending out thoughts to your planet to cause you to think and act and be a certain way, which is in direct opposition with this law.
These dark ETs are mixed with many races. They are not all Reptilian. And even out of the good races, there are always individuals who are not on our side, who wish to destroy your planet. That is why we are here. That is why we have gathered around your Earth. That is why the Galactic Federation of Light and the Alliance of Peaceful Planets were formed.
As soon as they were formed, allies from all across the multiverse formed mass alliances with one another in an effort to protect each and every primitive planet so that none of the planets were taken over by the Reptilian race or their converts.

We are also working to keep the Nibiru planet from coming here. If the Earth ascends and breaks free of the Reptilian dogma and the Gray manipulation, the Annunaki will not succeed in finding Earth. They will be out of its dimension because it will have ascended. And so, we are simply unconcerned with the Annunaki. Many people are very concerned with the Nibiru planet, but what they should be concerned with is the Reptilian race and breaking free of their dogma. The government is very Gray controlled, but the culture, the religion and many of the beliefs which cause governments to form are Reptilian controlled. The media is manipulated by many races.
Human beings need to be aware, especially the Starseeded beings here, of what is going on: that they are not free. When they are aware of their Un-Freedom, they will gain freedom, because it is the awareness of the truth that causes people to shift and become awakened by the knowledge of it.
We are here to cause you to align with your Reality self, which does not accept the messages of the Reptilian or Gray races, or all the races that have aligned with them.
The Reptilians and Grays have an alliance together which is a pretense. They are constantly backstabbing one another when they are not looking. They both want their own control of this planet, and for every other race to be underneath them, and so they cannot work together or cooperate, and that is their weakness. That is their weakness. It is our strength.
We operate in harmony with all living beings. We love the planet Gaia, and every other primitive planet, and we hold back the interference of other races that would harm them, because we know the language of planets, we can speak to planets as living, breathing entities. They have a real language. They communicate and speak with us.
We are protecting your planet. The planet will uphold itself, and it will evolve into what it is destined to become. It is a soul with a mission as all of us have, that we have ordained. The Earth has ordained its ascension to take place at a certain time. We are here to be in alignment with what the Earth decided.
We are constantly asking her what she wants,and what is right for her and the people on her planet, and we are fully in alignment with her to bring forth the ascension on the planet, Gaia. We consider her a deity giving birth to everything inhabiting her, and we honor and respect her as a being that gives life to multitudes of nations and people, animals and plants, insects and microbes. We are all one, operating in the circle, and the planet represents our oneness, our unity with all life forms.
We wish you to be free of the Reptilian discouragement so that you may live peaceful lives without struggle or fear or hate or death or sickness, that this life-giving planet will be exactly that, and there will be no death, no war, no sickness, no famine, no old age.
May you be at peace. May the Earth find peace.
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