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Ezekiel Memchat Answers The Question: Were The Annunaki The Ones Who Fused Modern Man With Their Own DNA?

“You are not expected to do anything by us, but we do ask that you accept the new thoughts we are introducing, and we ask that you accept the thoughts of your own Reality, the purity of its thinking as it exists in a timeless, spaceless, hateless, fearless state.”

July 12, 2010

Were the Annunaki and their chief scientist, Enki, the ones who fused modern man of that time with their own DNA to create homo sapiens sapiens? — Clint

I am Ezekiel Memchat. Hello, Clint… The Annunaki are only one group that changed your DNA. Aliens have been changing your DNA for a long time to bring new ideas into your mind that serve them.  Your DNA isn’t very hard to change because it’s all done at a level of thought, mostly. It is a matter of causing you to respond the way they want, whatever technology they are using. In order for them to change you, you must be receptive to what they are changing in you.

The Reptilians, for instance, simply said, ‘You are sick,’ when no one had ever heard of sickness. And it was such a new concept that it caught everyone off guard, and people began accepting it as real. The Reptilians are responsible for concepts such as death, sickness, old age, tiredness, having to eat, having to drink, having to consume anything. They are responsible for the thoughts only. And humans beings are responsible for what they have accepted.

Yes, it is true that the Annunaki have given humanity the concepts of slavery, of power over others, of rulers and workers, of needing money, of needing goods. Concepts you currently have about government and trade and how you deal with other nations all goes back to programming you were given by the Annunaki. That is true.

India is a very good example of this with the current caste system, but America is also a good example of this, albeit a fairly well-hidden example. I believe every country could see how controlled they are by their government if they would only look.

But the purpose of all our messages is to assist humans in breaking free of that control, and re-programming their DNA, and it is simple. You do this with thought.

The Annunaki said, ‘We are above, and you are below. We are the rulers, you are the slaves. We are the ones in charge of your planet. We are intelligent, you are ignorant. We are better than you. We have the right to take over your world because we know more and we are better than you. Our technology is better. Our way of thinking is right. We are better than you.’

You can see how these concepts have affected your entire human history that you know about. How many times has one civilization taken over the territory of another and enslaved them for whatever reason, because they believed they were better and they had a right to land that was not theirs.

You are not expected to do anything by us, but we do ask that you accept the new thoughts we are introducing, and we ask that you accept the thoughts of your own Reality, the purity of its thinking as it exists in a timeless, spaceless, hateless, fearless state.

Rise to a higher state of thought. Every extraterrestrial civilization that has ever controlled you or changed you has done it with thought. It is the thought of control that humanity has accepted. You are not controlled. It is only an illusion. And you are not here to fail or to be conquered. You are only here to learn and to be, to exist and grow, to expand your awareness, to expand your love and your unique nature. Nothing can control you unless you allow it. Nothing can change you unless you allow it. Unless you allow it. Unless you allow it.

What are you allowing, Clint? Because you have the power to do anything. All thoughts of need are Reptilian. All thoughts of control are Annunaki. But the Annunaki are long since gone, and their DNA has only become stronger since they have left because human beings have listened, and listened, and listened to the programming.

It is only by your listening to the programming that you continually stay within it, and it traps you when you feel that you are trapped by it. But it is all mind. Each thought of servanthood, of being below, or of not having any power, these are thoughts that the Annunaki introduced to your brain.

Are you below, Clint? Are you above? Are you equal? Where is your standing in your own mind? Where is your standing in the world around you? Where do you want to be? Do you accept the thoughts of your Reality in all areas? Or do you believe yourself in certain areas to be below, underneath?

This is the new thought that we are introducing, and that your Reality is giving to you: ‘I am the maker of the world around me. I am in control of the outcome of my life. When I step out of the programming of thought that I have been given, and I stop accepting the old DNA patterns, I can choose the DNA I want.’

It is these feelings of being below that the Annunaki brought to the human race, that a chosen few are above, the rest is underneath, but this is no longer working, as you can clearly see. It is no longer serving you or your purpose. The New Person will accept its original DNA, and rise above the decay of old thought and enter a new period of restoration, a new period of choosing its own thought, its Reality’s thought.

What are you thinking about right now? What are you thinking about, Clint? What are you thinking about, Clint? Are you thinking about what you want? As if it’s already happening to you? Are you thinking about what you don’t have? Are you thinking about what you lack, Clint? Or are you thinking about the things that you want more of?

The choice is up to you to have more or less. You decide. You decide. And no one else decides for you. You are the master of your own existence, whether you choose to create a good or a bad existence. You are the one choosing. Whatever your DNA has been programmed to do, you choose what your DNA will accept on a continual basis.

The New DNA will be formed with your own mind. Your own beliefs are what cause the world around you to be as it is. The world around you is forming. How much of it are you causing individually? How much of it can you change individually? But that’s just another choice. Decide right now: how powerful are you? Everyone needs to decide this: how powerful am I? How powerful are you individually? Ask yourself: How powerful am I individually? And, of course, when I say yourself I mean your Real Self. How powerful are you individually, Higher Self? How powerful am I, because I know who I am. How powerful am I when I step into the awareness of who I am?

There are thoughts being sent to you on a continual basis. There are false guides assigned to you, sending you thoughts right now, and it is your choice to accept them or to negate them. People chose to allow the Annunaki to change their DNA, and people are choosing right now on a continual basis whose thoughts they will accept, whose thoughts they will negate. If your Reality isn’t thinking it, you are being given the thought, and if the thought being given to you is not in alignment with your Reality, then the thought is meant to control you.

This is all they did. This is all they ever do. They send out thoughts. The one you choose is up to you. The world is up to you.

Everything around you will change if your thoughts change.


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