“There is such an imbalance here of masculine and feminine energy, you no longer know what feminine and masculine energies are, or the real difference between them. You only know what they have been forced to be on your planet.”
June 21, 2010
Greetings, Earthlings.
The name I give you is Lady Wendelvulf. You cannot say my real name with your mouths, but that name will do just fine.
I do not speak unless I have something important to say, and I do not go to anyone or go to a place unless I consider them important. I consider your Earth to be of value. It is important. It is important to this universe and this multiverse we are all a part of. It is important. Know that you are all important or I would not be speaking with you.
You are here to change the Earth. So put all unworthiness and doubt from your minds in regard to your own power. You are powerful because I will not speak to people who aren’t. I will not speak to people who are ignorant, and I will not speak to people unless they can hear the message I have for them.
I am the leader from the Council of the House of Aldebaran. We are the royal family of Aldebaran. Our closest ally is Regus. We are here letting you know that the Council of the House of Aldebaran and the Council of the House of Regus and the Alliance of Aldebaran and Regus aid you. These councils are also protecting Earth.
We wish you a merry solstice. On this solstice, send your energies to the Earth’s heart chakra in her emotional body. It is in turmoil. You must send your energies of peace to it before it releases what it is holding down in a violent or negative way. That is the message.
Thank you.
My name is Commander Fashana. I am Lord of the Council of the House of Regus.
The Earth must do whatever it needs to do to help itself release the toxins Earthlings are sending it. You must stop releasing your toxins into the Earth. You are hurting her emotional, mental and physical bodies.
I operate out of a mental body. Aldebarans and Regans are mentally bodied people. This means extreme telepathy and communication of ideas with one another at a rapid pace. It means we do not care about feelings, we care about thoughts. We care about what is pertinent and what is not pertinent. The Aldebarans are more female, but still operating in a mental body. We are more male, but operating out of a mental body. You can have more masculine energy, but operate out of an emotional body.
There is such an imbalance here of masculine and feminine energy, you no longer know what feminine and masculine energies are, or the real difference between them. You only know what they have been forced to be on your planet.
All people must become equal citizens on your planet. You must strive to think of yourself equally. Everyone can do this individually. Stop doing things to hurt your own self. Think of yourself well, then you will not hate others. Do not look down upon someone else like they are unequal to you because of race or gender. The Earth has dealt with your prejudices as long as humans have been alive, but things are changing. The human race is changing.
We look down upon it and now consider the Earth as an ally because there are so many of you aligned with us to stop the Reptilians, and since you are allied with the Earth, so you are allied with us. There are many councils aiding and benefiting you, but you must do everything in an effort to stop polluting your world, and this means in every body that she has, or she will release these toxins in violent ways as she has done in the past.
You must send your energy of humility, of peace, of compassion and of love to the heart center. See the toxins release from out of this center or they will release in a violent way.
On this solstice day, this very powerful day, your energies being sent have triple the normal effect. Send them out on this day. The Earth will greatly benefit by this.
Thank you.
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